Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet

Voyage to The Prehistoric Planet is the American title for this 1965 Sci-Fi film. The original title was Planeta Bur (Planet of the Storms) which was filmed in Russia in 1962. Originally directed by Pavel Klushantsev, This film was then taken and re-dubbed with a completely new script by director Curtis Harrington. The vocal cast includes Basil Rathbone (Sherlock Holmes Films) and Faith Domergue (It Came from Beneath the Sea). It is said that Curtis did all he could to hide that this film was actually Russian.

In the year 2020, Man has already colonized the moon. Now they plan to take space exploration to the next level by sending a crew to explore the mysterious plant of Venus. The first crew sets out for exploration with their super robot that can do anything. Once contact is lost, the remaining crew on the ship fear something has happened. In an attempt to save their crew mates, they too deploy onto this mysterious planet. This time they have a car that can do anything. They soon find that Venus is a planet infested with crazy reptile like creatures. Upon further inspection, they find proof of a once human-like race that inhabited the surface. But will they ever find human life on Venus? Will that super robot do anything reasonable? And do astronauts really have a terrible sense of humor?