The Willies

The Willies is a 1990 collection of Horror Shorts written and directed by Brian Peck. Don't let the low production value fool you, this film is gouged with cameos. Cast includes Sean Aston (The Goonies, Lord of The Rings), Bill Erwin, James Karen (The Pursuit of Happiness) and Dana Ashbrook (Twin Peaks). Doug Benson is credited as playing a zombie that appears early in the film. Also a reference is made to Sean Aston's character about a story he once told involving him and his friends finding a pirate ship in a cave. Obvious reference to Aston's part in The Goonies.

Two brothers are visiting their cousin in another town and decide to camp in the back yard. Boys will be boys and soon conversation transforms to the boys telling each other scary stories. The film features two main stories. The first is about a young man who happens to have a bully problem at school. The second covers a boy with an indescribable obsession with being a dick and harvesting flys. This film may give you an urge to regurge.