
Asylum is a 1972 Horror Film directed by Roy Ward Baker. This film is set up as a series of short stories with a short plot that ties them all together. The cast features the talents of Peter Cushing (Star Wars), Britt Ekland (The Man With The Golden Gun), Herbert Lom (The Return of the Pink Panther), and Barbara Parkins (Valley of the Dolls), just to name a few. This Film was shot in less than a month.

Dr. Martin arrives at an Insane Asylum for his employment interview. Much to his surprise the owner, Dr. Starr, has suffered a mental breakdown and attacked one of the other doctors, Dr. Byron. In response, Dr. Byron locked Dr. Starr in one of the ward rooms and has taken control of the Asylum. As a test, Dr. Byron tells Dr. Martin to interview a few of the inmates of the ward and decide which one is Dr. Starr. Follow Dr. Martin as he hears each inmates stories. A cheating husband decides to cut off his marriage, A tailor takes part in a death defying transaction, An imaginary friend haunts a ladies life, and a man obsesses in making living robots(?). But who is the real Dr. Starr?