Gamera vs. Guiron
Also known as Attack of the Monsters, this is a 1969 Japanese Kaiju film. This is actually the fifth installment in a series of films featuring Gamera, a large radioactive turtle that fights other creatures for the sake of children's safety. The film features the great adolescent acting talent of Nobuhiro Kajima and Christopher Murphy. Directed by Nisan Takahashi, who is known for directing all Gamera films between 1965 and 1980.
Tom and Akio are two kids that love space, universal peace, and safe traffic patterns. One night when looking through a telescope the boys spot a flying saucer. Feeling that this could be their chance to unlock all the mysteries of the solar system without consulting the local space authorities or any adult whatsoever, Tom and Akio set their alarms for the next morning, so they can check out the ship. Upon arrival they decide to enter the ship and push some buttons. Suddenly the ship takes off into space, set to automatically return for its home planet. The boys soon find themselves on a strange planet that luckily has earths atmosphere and is unfortunately infested by giant monsters. They are soon intercepted by two humanoid aliens that live on the planet under the protection of their "dog" Guiron. Upon questioning the boys about earth, the aliens find all they talk about is the great monster Gamera. Feeling that the boys will never tell earths secrets, the aliens plan to eat Tom and Akio's brains instead. Hopefully Gamera can save the day.