Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd is a 1995 Action Sci-Fi film directed by Danny Cannon. The Character is based off a British comic by the same title and written by John Wagner. This film stars Sylvester Stallone (Rambo, Rocky), Armand Assante (Striptease), Rob Schneider (Deuce Bigalow), and Diane Lane (The Perfect Storm). Cannon claims that Stallone demanded way too many script changes and the final outcome of the films is different than intended.
Sometime during the 3rd Millennium earth has become a barren wasteland. The remainder of the human population resides in a select few mega-cities. In all this confusion, law as we know it has failed and in order to keep people under control, a new system has been formed. The Judge System. In this system, Judges and Cops are the same job title. Judge Dredd is the top cop in the city. His destruction and Bad guy busting abilities are unmatched. That is until he is wrongfully accused of murder. But he didn't break the law...he is the law! Despite Judge Hershey's support, Dredd is accused and sentenced to life in prison. On transportation to prison, Dredds ship is shot down by some cannibalistic bandits that reside in the wastelands known as Cursed Earth. With the help of a prisoner Dredd ventures back to the city to get revenge on the guy that has framed him.